JavaScript Basic

JavaScript Basic

The Fundamental Things

The Topic Which is Covered in This Article

  • Variable

  • Variable name convention Rules

  • Hoisting

  • Variable Scope

      1. variable scope
      1. block scope
      1. global scope
  • Datatypes in Javascript

  • What Is NaN?

  • Type Of Operators

  • Difference With Null vs Undefined

  • Expression And Operators

    • 1 Assignment operators

    • 2 Arithmetic operators

    • 3Logical operators

    • 4 Comparison operators

    • 5 String Concatenation(operators)

  • What Is the Difference between == vs ===?


📌Variable declaration

🪢 var




📌Variable Naming Rules

📌Variable Scopes




javascript improves the user experience of the web page by converting it from a static page into an interactive one or javascript adds behaviour to web pages

📌Variable declaration

📌There are 3 Types of Javascript Variable

  • ➡️Variable simply store value





  •      let language = "javascript";
         console.log(language); //JAVASCRIPT
         let language;
         language = "javascript";
         console.log(language); //JAVASCRIPT


  • ➡️once declare cant change

  • ➡️its good because in a real application mutations less (change in value) then also bug will less

  •      const secondsInMinute = 60;
         secondsInMinute = 500;
         console.log(secondsInMinute);   //error :signment to constant variable.

    📌Variable name convention Rules

    • ➡️The first character must be a letter or an underscore ( - ) or an dollar ( $ . You can't use a number as the first character .

    • ➡️The rest of the variable name can include any letter , any number , or the underscore . Can use any other characters , but not spaces .

    • ➡️ Variable names are case sensitive . No limit to the length of the variable name .

    • ➡️You can't use any of JavaScript's reserved words as a variable name

    • ➡️we cant use special character as name

📌What is Hoisting

  • Hoisting is JavaScript's default behaviour of moving declarations to the top.

  • Hoisting is a JavaScript mechanism where variables, function declarations and classes are moved to the top of their scope before code execution. Remember that JavaScript only hoists declarations, not initialisation. Let's take a simple example of variable hoisting,

  •   console.log(message); //output : undefined
      var message = "The variable Has been hoisted";

The above code looks like as below to the interpreter.

var message;
message = "The variable Has been hoisted";
  • In the same fashion, function declarations are hoisted too

      message("Good morning"); //Good morning
      function message(name) {

This hoisting makes functions to be safely used in code before they are declared.

📌Variable Scopes

🪢Block Scopes

🪢Function Scopes

🪢 Global Scopes


  • as per name block scope means the Variable value is only limit in that block scope

  • 🪢let

  • it is a block scope => {...............} the code betwween curly brackets

             if (true) {         
                  age = 25;     
                  console.log(age); //answer get 25 
           console.log(age); //error
  • 🪢const

  • it is a block scope =>{...............} the code between curly brackets

 if (true) {
   const age = 25;
   console.log(age); //answer get 25
 console.log(age); //error

📌Function Scope

  • var
  • ➡️ It is a function scope

       function years() {
         var age = 25;
       console.log(age); //error => age is not defined
    • if ‘var ‘ is in the function then it can't get outside function

    • if it's any other blocks then it gets the output

    if (true) {
       var age = 25;
       console.log(age); //answer get 25
     console.log(age); //25
  • if variables we create and we can store any kind of data string, object, numeric value, array function

📌Global Scope

  • if age variabel value is 25 in the function then it can run in that only

  • if its outside function and simply alone in the file then its global scope. then alone value will be given as answer

  • while its is normal scope

  •    var age = 32;
      if (true) {
         var age = 25;
         console.log(age); //answer get 25
       console.log(age); //answer get 25
  • while it is in function

  var age = 32;
  function xyz()
  var age = 25;
  console.log(age); //answer get 25
    console.log(age); //answer get 32

📌Datatypes in Javascript

Six Data Types that are primitives

  • Boolean : typeof instance === " boolean "

  • undefined : typeof instance === " undefined "

  • Number : typeof instance === " number "

  • String : typeof instance === " string "

  • BigInt : typeof instance === " bigint "

  • Symbol : typeof instance === " symbol "


//10 + "20" // number + string so here 1020
//9 - "5" // number - string so here = 4 but its a bug
//"Java" + "Script" //string  + string = concate and its javascript
//" " + " " //empty
//" " + 0 //0
//"vinod" - " thapa " //NaN = not a number

//js is
// true = 1
// false = 0

// true +  true   bool+bool = 1+1  =  2
// true +  false  bool+bool = 1+0  =  1
// false + true   bool-bool = 0+1  =  1
// false - true   bool-bool = 0-1  =  1



  • console.log(”dipesh” - “joshi”) // NaN

  • NaN is a property of the global object .

  • In other words , it is a variable in global scope .

  • The initial value of NaN is Not - A - Number


Expression And Operators

1 Assignment operators

  • An assignment operator assigns a value to its left operand based on the value of its right operand .
The simple assignment operator is equal ( = )

 var x = 5 ; var y = 5 ; 

I will tell you when we will see es6 console.log

 ( Is both the x and y are equal : $ { x || = y } ) ;

2 Arithmetic operators

  • An arithmetic operator takes numerical values ( either literals or variables ) as their operands and returns a single numerical value .
 console.log ( 3 + 3 ) ;
 console.log ( 10-5 ) ;
 console.log ( 20/5 ) ; |
 console.log ( 5 * 6 ) ;
- the modulus operator(%)returns  the division remainder
 console.log ( " Remainder Operator " + 81 % 8 ) ;
Increment and Decrement operator 
Operator : x++ x-- or ++x --x
- If used postfix , with operator after operand ( for example , x ++ ) , 
the increment operator increments and returns the value before incrementing .
- If used prefix , with operator before operand ( for example , + x ) ,
the increment operator increments and returns the value after incrementing

3 Logical operators

  • Logical operators are typically used with Boolean ( logical ) values ; when they are , they return a Boolean value .

       var a = 30 ;
       var b = -20 ;
       Logical AND ( && )
       The logical AND ( && ) operator ( logical conjunction ) for a set of
       operands is true if and only if all of its operands are true .
       Logical OR ( || )
       The logical OR ( || ) operator ( logical disconjunction ) for a set of
       operands is true if and only if one or more of its operands is true .
       Logical NoT (!)
       the logical not(!) operator (logical complement,negattion)
       takes truth to falsity and vice versa

    4 Comparison operators

  •    var a = 30 ;
       var b = 10 ;
       // Equal ( == )
       console.log ( a == b ) ;
       // Not equal ( != )
       console.log ( a != b ) ;
       // Greater than ( > )
       console.log ( a > b ) ;
       // Greater than or equal ( >= )
       console.log ( a >= b ) ;
       // Less than (<)
       console.log ( a <= b ) ;
       // Less than or equal (<=)
       console.log(a <= b);

5 String Concatenation(operators)

  • The concatenation operator (+) concatenates two string values together, returning another string that is the union of the two operand strings


//Exponentiation Operator
// What will be the output of 3**3?
// console.log(3**3); //27
// console.log(3**5); // 3*3*3*3*3 =243
//console.log(10 ** -1); // 1/10 =0.1
// What will be the output, when we add a number and a string ?
// console.log(5 + "thapa"); //5thapa
// console.log(5 - "thapa"); //NaN
// Write a program to swap two numbers?
var a = 5;
var b = 10;
//output b=5 and a=10
var c = b; //c=10
b = a; //b = 5
a = c;

console.log("the value of a is " + a);
console.log("the value of b is " + b);
// Write a program to swap two numbers without using third variable
 var a = 5;
var b = 10;
//output b=5 and a=10

a = a + b; //a = 15
b = a - b; //b = 5
a = a - b; //a = 10

console.log("the value of a is " + a);
console.log("the value of b is " + b);

IQ: WHAT IS the difference between == vs ===?

  • \== check only value === check value and its datatype